Know yourself. Feel confident. Experience pleasure.

Therapy for all aspects of sex and sexuality in Maryland

In-person in Berlin, MD & online throughout MD


You want to overcome the challenges that make sex unenjoyable, difficult--even painful--but you wonder if therapy can help

couples sex therapy

Sexual dysfunction doesn’t have to ruin your relationship

Are you struggling with: 

  • Low desire? 

  • Pain during intercourse? 

  • Difficulties with reconciling sexuality with purity culture? 

  • Pornography issues? 

  • Painful sex after menopause? 

  • A history of sexual trauma or abuse? 

  • Erectile dysfunction? 

  • Premature or delayed ejaculation? 

  • Difficulty with orgasm? 

  • Shame around a kink? 

  • Fertility treatment impacting sex life? 

  • Sexless marriage? 

You don’t have to live with sexual dysfunction

Sex therapy is similar to most talk-based therapies. It helps you to identify your thoughts and feelings related to sex and sexuality that may be impacting your expectations of your and your partner. Sex therapy will also help you to raise awareness of your habits around sex in order to support you in your journey to be the healthiest, most empowered version of yourself. 

Sex can be very confusing in our culture and it can be hard to talk about. Sex therapy is discussion and education based when in the office (there is no touching involved)  so that we can explore underlying negative beliefs and experiences  about sex--it’s ok, we all have them. Sex therapy employs relaxation techniques in order to treat things like: painful intercourse, vaginismus, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and difficulties with orgasm. We will also address other issues that may be impacting your sex life, like aging, medication, chronic pain, or chronic illness, so that you can experience the confidence and pleasure you deserve.


Get back to pleasure and connection


What to Expect

Couples Sex Therapy

Similar to my approach with standard couples counseling, expect to meet together initially and then individually once before a feedback and treatment planning session. This approach honors the difficulties and shame people can sometimes experience around sex. You can expect talk-based sessions ranging from 60-70 minutes and then homework to complete with your partner.

Individual Sex Therapy

Talk based sessions around 60 minutes that explore your beliefs about your sexuality, body image, gender, and sexual orientation. Individuals may be encouraged to access various resources such as books, podcasts, or short films outside of session.


In general, therapy exclusively focused on sex is limited and time-bound, often as a result of positive changes in the client. Please be aware that sex therapy brings up very sensitive subject material and it may be normal to feel some embarrassment or discomfort in session. Should this occur, it is important we collaborate on how best to proceed so that you can access the treatment you deserve.

Sex Therapy can help you:

  • Overcome pain, insecurity, or fear

  • Embody your sexuality

  • Extend the longevity of your sex life

  • Experience pleasure

It is totally normal to feel shy about these issues.

You set the pace for our work so that you are always in control. We never have to discuss more than you want.

Common questions about sex therapy

  • Catharsis Counseling is not able to treat people who have been charged with a sex offense.

  • A sex therapist is just like any other talk-based mental health therapist. A sex therapist should never engage in any kind of physical intimacy with you.

  • Yes! Research shows us that while sex will not save a marriage, it’s lack certainly can end it. In terms of development, elements of our sexuality are some of the first things we know about ourselves.

You can feel satisfied and empowered in and out of the bedroom

Sex Therapy For:

  • Couples

  • Individuals

  • Polyamory Relationships

  • Kink and BDSM affirming