Madi O’Malley, LCPC

Reclaim yourself and find deeper connection and joy

You’re feeling unsure of yourself

Are you plagued by self doubt? You take care of everyone else, but when it comes to yourself you’re not sure how to start. Maybe you’ve even started to resent the people you love as more of your identity is swallowed into unyielding insecurity. 

You’ve read the self-help books, taken the relationship quizzes, and tried an affirmation or two, but there is still a gnawing feeling that something isn’t right. Maybe you have already tried couple’s counseling but the frustration and resentment around your sex life is still there and you’re still left wondering if it is your fault.


What’s it like to work with me?

I can help you find your spark again. I use a resilience and strengths-based approach to help women (anyone female identifying) get in touch with their authentic selves. I work with people who are recovering from difficulties in childhood that have caused rampant insecurity in their adult lives. I help couples (of any kind) find love and connection again after infidelity, sexual dysfunction, or frustrations in their relationship .

Through extensive study of complex trauma and attachment, the use of trauma-informed techniques, and specialized post-grad training in LGBTQIA+ issues and couples and sex therapy, I provide actionable interventions that are backed by the highest standards of client care. As a mom, I am intimately familiar with the body insecurity, doubt, and loss of self that can accompany motherhood and long term relationships. It doesn’t have to stay this way.

Clients describe me as warm, understanding, funny, and intelligent. I am dedicated to the therapeutic care of you . Sometimes this means giving you the best resources to explore, and sometimes it just means showing you that self acceptance doesn’t have to be so scary.

What I believe

  • You deserve respect

    I am committed to honoring the differences and finding the similarities between us. You are welcome here regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

  • You aren’t broken

    So often we chase down self improvement only to feel confirmed of our worst fears: I am damaged. I aim to use therapy to help remind you of your strengths, not ever to tell you what is wrong with you.

  • You should be in charge of your healing

    I practice from a “you-first” perspective. I will not try to make your story fit into any kind of mold and I will never encourage something that feels like it isn’t right for you.

  • You deserve the best care

    From PhD coursework, to independent study, to collaboration with other care providers, I am here to put in the work and the time it takes to provide you with what you need.

How I Work

  • Psychodynamic and Acceptance Based Therapy

    I use an integrative blend of techniques to help clients explore the origins of their shame while also promoting self acceptance in the here and now.

  • Sex Therapy

    Sex therapy is a specific talk therapy modality that supports clients experiencing a variety of different types of sexual dysfunction. It also supports people who are struggling with elements of their sexuality as it relates to their identity. Sex therapy is NEVER touch-based.

  • Alpha Stim

    The Alpha Stim is an FDA-approved tool for treating depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Through painless micropulses applied to the ear lobes, the brain experiences improvements in patterns that keep you stuck feeling depressed or worried.

Training & Education

Education & Licensure

  • Graduate with honors from Johns Hopkins University 

  • Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 

  • PhD Student in Clinical Sexology 

Training & Certifications

  • Nationally Certified Counselor

  • Trained in Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES)

  • Ongoing monthly trainings with Modern Sex Therapy Institutes 

  • In pursuit of AASECT Certification 

Professional Associations

  • Member of American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists 

  • Member of National Board of Certified Counselors 

What is a “Catharsis”? 

First seen in Aristotle’s Poetics, “catharsis” comes from the Greek word kathairein meaning to “cleanse or make pure.” Also known as the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. However, I think Mr. Roger’s describes it best...

If it is mentionable, it is manageable.
— Fred Rogers